A Salute to Courage: The American Revolution as Seen Through Wartime Writings of Officers of the Continental Army and Navy

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  • A Salute to Courage: The American Revolution as Seen Through Wartime Writings of Officers of the Continental Army and Navy

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A Salute to Courage: The American Revolution as Seen Through Wartime Writings of Officers of the Continental Army and Navy


Martha Washington and the Revolutionary War


Collection of the writings of officers in the Continental Army and Navy during the American Revolution.


Dennis P. Ryan, editor


Columbia University Press




Daughters of the Cincinnati





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Ryan, Dennis P., ed. A Salute to Courage: The American Revolution as Seen Through Wartime Writings of Officers of the Continental Army and Navy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979.

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Quotations and Notes

“…I am at present enjoying myself incomparably well in the family of Mrs. Washington, whose guard I have had the honor to command since the absence of the General and the rest of the family, which is now six or seven days. I am happy in the importance of my charge, as well as the presence of the most amiable woman upon Earth, whose character should I attempt to describe I could not do justice to, but will only say that I think it unexceptionable; the first and second nights after I came it was expected that a body of the Enemy’s horse would pay us a visit, but I was well prepared to receive them for I had not only a good detachment of well disciplined troops under my command, but four members of Congress who were volunteers with their musquets, bayonets and ammunition. I assure you they have disposed of a greater share of spirits than you have ever seen in that body or perhaps ever will see as long as they exist. I leave you to judge whether there is not considerable merit due their commander. I only wish I had a company of them to command for a campaign; and if you would not see an alteration in the constitution of our army against the next, I would suffer to lose my ears and never command a Congressman again. The rations they have consumed considerably overbalance all their service done as volunteers, for they have dined with us every day almost and drank as much wine as they would earn in six months.” (186-187)

How to Cite this Item

Dennis P. Ryan, editor, "A Salute to Courage: The American Revolution as Seen Through Wartime Writings of Officers of the Continental Army and Navy," in Martha Washington, Item #116, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/116 (accessed April 6, 2021).