Letter and invoice, George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, May 1, 1759

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  • Letter and invoice, George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, May 1, 1759

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Letter and invoice, George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, May 1, 1759


Marriage of Martha and George Washington


In this letter, George Washington discusses his marriage to the widow Custis and informs Robert Cary & Company (one of the Custis's London agents) that he is now legally responsible for the Custis estate. An invoice detailing a wide variety of household and luxury goods, needed because of the new marriage, is attached (image courtesy of Library of Congress).


George Washington







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Papers of George Washington (Series 5, Financial Papers), Library of Congress

Rights Holder

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Williamsburg, May 1, 1759.

Gentln. The Inclos'd is the Ministers Certificate of my Marriage with Mrs. Martha Custis, properly as I am told, Authenticated, You will therefore for the future please to address all your Letters which relate to the Affairs of the late Danl. Parke Custis Esqr. to me, as by Marriage I am entitled to a third part of that Estate, and Invested likewise with the care of the other two thirds by a Decree of our Genl. Court which I obtain'd in order to strengthen the Power I before had in consequence of my Wiles Administration.

I have many Letters of yours in my possession unanswered but at present this serves only to advise you of the above Change and at the same time to acquaint you that I shall continue to make you the same Consignments of Tobo. as usual, and will endeavour to encrease it in proportion as I find myself and the Estate benefitted thereby.

The Scarcity of the last years Crop, and the high prices of Tobo. consequent thereupon wou'd in any other Case, have induc'd me to sell the Estates Crop (which indeed is only 16 Hhds.) in the Country but for a present, and I hope small advantage only I did not care to break the Chain of Corrispondance that had so long subsisted, and therefore have, according to your desire, given Captn. Talman an offer of the whole.

On the otherside is an Invoice of some Goods which I beg of you to send me by the first Ship bound either to Potomack or Rappahannock, as I am in immediate want of them. Let them be Insur'd, and in case of Accident reshipp'd witht. Delay; direct for me at Mount Vernon Potomack River Virginia; the former is the name of my Seat the other of the River on which 'tis Situated. I am, &c.





How to Cite this Item

George Washington, "Letter and invoice, George Washington to Robert Cary & Company, May 1, 1759," in Martha Washington, Item #16, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/16 (accessed April 6, 2021).