Letter, Martha Washington to Fanny Bassett Washington, November 30, 1794
- Letter, Martha Washington to Fanny Bassett Washington, November 30, 1794
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Letter, Martha Washington to Fanny Bassett Washington, November 30, 1794
MW writes Fanny about the unexpected expenditure of wine on visitors while MW and GW are away in Washington.
Martha Washington
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The Martha Washington Collection, Mount Vernon.
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Mount Vernon
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Partial transcript:
"...the President seemed a good deal surprised - at the quantity of wine that you have given out, as it never was his intention to give wine or goe to any Expence to entertain people that came to Mount vernon out of curiosity to see the place; if it is continued - we shall have but very little for ourselves if we should come home..."
"...the President seemed a good deal surprised - at the quantity of wine that you have given out, as it never was his intention to give wine or goe to any Expence to entertain people that came to Mount vernon out of curiosity to see the place; if it is continued - we shall have but very little for ourselves if we should come home..."
How to Cite this Item
Martha Washington, "Letter, Martha Washington to Fanny Bassett Washington, November 30, 1794," in Martha Washington, Item #41, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/41 (accessed April 6, 2021).