Letter, to Bartholomew Dandridge, November 2, 1778
- Letter, to Bartholomew Dandridge, November 2, 1778
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Letter, to Bartholomew Dandridge, November 2, 1778
Martha Washington
Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994
Greenwood Press
Joseph E. Fields, editor
Published version of manuscript document
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Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994.
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Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
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Dear Brother November the 2d 1778
I received your kind favor by Mr. Posey and should have wrote to you long before this but have everyday expected everyday Jack would be ready to set out, I am very sorry to hear that my Mamma has been so unwell and thank god that she has recovered again -- I wish I was near enough to come to see you and her. I am very uneasy at this time - I have some reason to expect that I shall take another trip to the northward. The pore General is not likely to come to see us from what I can hear - I expect to hear seertainly by the next post - if I doe I shall write to you to inform you and my friends-if I am so happy to stay at home. I shall hope to see you with my sister hear as soon as you are at leasure. Please to give little Patty a Kiss for me I have sent her a pair of shoes-there was not a Doll to be got in the city of Philadelphia or I would have sent her one (the shoes are in a bundle for my mama).
I am very glad to hear that you and your family are well - Jack can tell you more news than I can. I have had no letter since he came from the camp - by some [illegible] of the postmasters my letters doe [not] come regularly to hand.
I am with my Duty to my mamma my Love to my sister Aylett my sister and Family my Dear Brother
Your ever affectionate
Martha Washington
I received your kind favor by Mr. Posey and should have wrote to you long before this but have everyday expected everyday Jack would be ready to set out, I am very sorry to hear that my Mamma has been so unwell and thank god that she has recovered again -- I wish I was near enough to come to see you and her. I am very uneasy at this time - I have some reason to expect that I shall take another trip to the northward. The pore General is not likely to come to see us from what I can hear - I expect to hear seertainly by the next post - if I doe I shall write to you to inform you and my friends-if I am so happy to stay at home. I shall hope to see you with my sister hear as soon as you are at leasure. Please to give little Patty a Kiss for me I have sent her a pair of shoes-there was not a Doll to be got in the city of Philadelphia or I would have sent her one (the shoes are in a bundle for my mama).
I am very glad to hear that you and your family are well - Jack can tell you more news than I can. I have had no letter since he came from the camp - by some [illegible] of the postmasters my letters doe [not] come regularly to hand.
I am with my Duty to my mamma my Love to my sister Aylett my sister and Family my Dear Brother
Your ever affectionate
Martha Washington
Original Format
Autograph Letter Signed
How to Cite this Item
Martha Washington, "Letter, to Bartholomew Dandridge, November 2, 1778," in Martha Washington, Item #412, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/412 (accessed April 6, 2021).