Letter, to Fanny Bassett Washington, April 22, 1792

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  • Letter, to Fanny Bassett Washington, April 22, 1792

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Letter, to Fanny Bassett Washington, April 22, 1792


Martha Washington


Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994


Greenwood Press




Joseph E. Fields, editor


Published version of manuscript document

Additional Item Metadata


Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Rights Holder

Feinstone Collection, David Library of the American Revolution, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania

Document Item Type Metadata


My dear Fanny                                      Philadelphia April the 22 1792

I am happy to find by your last Letter that your dear little Babes are all well, so young as they are it is quite as well, if they do not take the Hooping cough at this time - the season is favorable and it is provable they would have the complaint very light - yet it is not desirable that they should have it while they are so small - I wish you would let me know in your next which you will reather have chocolate in cakes or the shells I should suppose the expence of boath is the same and I will send that you like best and everything that we shall want, how are your stock of spices nutts are so dear hear that we must do with the indian wallnutt if Frank has taken care to put up a good many of them, sugar is also very high - as is every thing else is it was a very careless trick in Mrs Stuarts maid, to let the children break the Looking glass if one is necessary you can get it in Alexandria as cheap as hear, and as I have no choice get such a glass as you like yourself as it is a matter of indefference to me what kind of glass it is - I am sorry my dear Fanny - you should feel a moments uneasiness for the rose water - 1 know it was not wanted with you and there is a great deal got hear to use in the way of cooking, and sent for it the mint water - I want myself (as I) have often of late had the cholick and pepper mint water is not to be had hear, I beg you will when the season comes to still mint have some desilled in time when the pepper is in blume and have it duble desilled for me - I have been unwell for some weeks with chollick complaints - I dont say by - yet I am not well - I think it would be well to have the cotton for the table cloths wove as soon as you can as they will be wanting for servants when we come home - The President talks of coming to Mount Vernon about the middle of next month - it would give me pleasure to come with him -but as he is to return in a few days - 1 must let it alone till the vacation of the schools when I can bring the children with me - I should be truly unhappy to leve Washington least the fever he had last summer should (retur)n again. I am sorry to find (in) your letter that the Major is indisposed I wonder he is not more cautious when he so often suffer by neglect of himself - my love to him & Harriot - kiss the little ones for me and believe me my Dear

Fanny your
most affectionate
M W (ashington)

Mrs Harrison has
just heard of her brother
Adams death which has
affected her very much

(Address) Mrs Washington
From Mrs. M Washington
April 1792

Original Format

Autograph Letter Signed


How to Cite this Item

Martha Washington, "Letter, to Fanny Bassett Washington, April 22, 1792," in Martha Washington, Item #460, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/460 (accessed April 6, 2021).