Letter, to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett, August 28, 1776
- Letter, to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett, August 28, 1776
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Letter, to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett, August 28, 1776
Martha writes from Philadelphia to here sister about progress in the war.
Martha Washington
Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994
Greenwood Press
Joseph E. Fields, editor
Published version of manuscript document
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Fields, Joseph E. 'Worthy Partner': The Papers of Martha Washington. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994.
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New York Public Library
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My dear Sister Philadelphia August the 28th 1776
I am still in this town and Noe prospects at present of my leveing it, - the General is at new york he is very well and wrote to me yesterday and informed me that Lord Dunmore with part of his fleet was come to General Howe at Staten Island, that another devision of the Hessians is expected before they think, the regulars will begen thare attack or as, some hear begen to think thare will be noe Battle after all - Last week our boats made another atempt on the ships up the north river - and had grapp a fire ship with the Phoenix ten muniets but she got clear of her; and is come down the river on satterday last. Our people burnt one of the tenders.
I thank god we shant want men - the army at New York is very large and numbers of men are still going there is at this time in the city, four thousand on their march to the camp and virginia is daily Expected - doe my Dear sister most relegiously wish thare was an End to the matter that we might have the pleasure of meeting again-
My Duty to my Dear mamma - and tell her I am very well - I dont hear from you so often as I used to doe at Cambridge - 1 had the pleasure to hear by Colo Aylett that you and all Friends were well and should been glad to have had a line from you by him - I hope Mr Bassett has got the better of his cough long agoe - please to present love to him my Brother and sisters my dear Fanny and the Boy & Except the same yourself
I am my dear Nancy your
ever affectionate sister
Martha Washington
I am still in this town and Noe prospects at present of my leveing it, - the General is at new york he is very well and wrote to me yesterday and informed me that Lord Dunmore with part of his fleet was come to General Howe at Staten Island, that another devision of the Hessians is expected before they think, the regulars will begen thare attack or as, some hear begen to think thare will be noe Battle after all - Last week our boats made another atempt on the ships up the north river - and had grapp a fire ship with the Phoenix ten muniets but she got clear of her; and is come down the river on satterday last. Our people burnt one of the tenders.
I thank god we shant want men - the army at New York is very large and numbers of men are still going there is at this time in the city, four thousand on their march to the camp and virginia is daily Expected - doe my Dear sister most relegiously wish thare was an End to the matter that we might have the pleasure of meeting again-
My Duty to my Dear mamma - and tell her I am very well - I dont hear from you so often as I used to doe at Cambridge - 1 had the pleasure to hear by Colo Aylett that you and all Friends were well and should been glad to have had a line from you by him - I hope Mr Bassett has got the better of his cough long agoe - please to present love to him my Brother and sisters my dear Fanny and the Boy & Except the same yourself
I am my dear Nancy your
ever affectionate sister
Martha Washington
How to Cite this Item
Martha Washington, "Letter, to Anna Maria Dandridge Bassett, August 28, 1776," in Martha Washington, Item #406, https://marthawashington.us/items/show/406 (accessed April 6, 2021).