Browse Items (29 total)


Sung by a Number of young Girls, dressed in white and decked with Wreaths and Chaplets of Flowers, holding Baskets of Flowers in their Hands, as General Washington passed under the Triumphal Arch raised on the Bridge at Trenton, April 21,…

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Letter requesting Martha Washington's approval as "encourager and patron" of The Ladies' Magazine.…

My Dear Madam                             New York December the 26th 1789

Your very friendly…

Published in 1780, this broadside was part of an effort by women to raise money to provide badly-needed supplies to the Continental Army. The reverse of this document lists detailed instructions for collecting and processing funds. Esther De Berdt…

After resigning his commission as General of the Continental Army, George Washington sent this detailed report of his personal expenses during the war to the Congress. He included his wife’s expenses incurred traveling to and from the…

Williamsburg, May 1, 1759.

Gentln. The Inclos'd is the Ministers Certificate of my Marriage with Mrs. Martha Custis, properly as I am told, Authenticated, You will therefore for the future please to address all your Letters which relate to the…

My dear Fanny                                       New York…

[Female g]rievances debated, in six dialogues between two young ladies, concerning love and marriage. Viz. I. Proving that women, as well as men, are inclin'd to love, and equally desirous to propagate their kind. II. Shewing what love is, its sorts…